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Genre: Children’s
The Little Mermaid
A long time ago, merpeople existed. They lived in the sea, and they were half-fish, half-human. They were human down to their middle, and then they were fish. They had long, beautiful tails, and they swam through the water using their tails.
The Rabbit and the Tortoise
One day, Steady was talking to Crush the lion and Gentle the mouse. The lion and the mouse were great friends now. ‘We must do something about Speedy,’ said Gentle. ‘He thinks he is the best in all the forest. He is unkind to you, and all the other animals.’ ‘Yes,’ said Crush. ‘He always calls me slow and stupid!’ Steady thought for a while, and then spoke. ‘I have an idea. I will challenge…
The Lion and the Mouse
There was one lion who lived in the Great Forest. The lion was called Crush. Everyone was scared of Crush the lion. Gentle looked up. Of all animals to meet, he saw Crush was in front of him. He was lying a few metres ahead. But the lion was sleeping.
The North Wind and the Sun
The North Wind moved down to the man. She blew very, very hard. The blowing of the wind made a loud sound, whoosh whoosh. The trees began to move. They moved very, very quickly. The birds that were on the trees began to fall off.
Doggo and Kitty Do Their Laundry
Once, there was a dog and a cat. The dog was called Doggo. He had long, thick hair. The cat was called Kitty. She had soft, thin hair. Doggo and Kitty lived together in a small house. Their house was beside a forest. Doggo and Kitty liked living beside the forest very much.
Doggo and Kitty Tear Their Trousers
We have seen how Doggo and Kitty did their laundry, so we now know that Doggo and Kitty are very good at keeping their home. There were always lots of tasks to do in the house. However, the day after they did their laundry was Sunday, and on Sunday you shouldn’t do any work. So Doggo and Kitty decided to go out for the day instead. The sun was shining, and they thought they had…
Doggo and Kitty Bake a Cake
One day, Kitty looked at their calendar. ‘Doggo!’ said Kitty. ‘According to the calendar, today is my birthday.’ ‘Hurray!’ said Doggo. ‘We will have to celebrate. But how? I’ve never celebrated a birthday before.’ Kitty thought that they had celebrated a birthday before. She thought that birthdays happened every year. But she wasn’t sure, and she didn’t want to sound stupid. So she didn’t say anything.