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Genre: Philosophical
You Can’t Please Everyone
‘Why do you have a donkey, but you don’t ride it? Donkeys should be ridden.’ So the man said to his son, ‘Get on the donkey and ride it.’ They kept on going. A few hours later, a group of old women walked past. ‘Look at that lazy young boy,’ said one of the women. ‘Shame on him! He makes his father walk while he rides. His father should ride on the horse.’
Stone Soup
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Axe, Delicious, Get stuck, Ingredient, Nail (metal), Owner, Pot, Stone, Suffocate, TasteWord Count: 792Original Author: Fairy TalesOnce, a man was travelling across the country. He was very poor. One day he arrived in a town, and he had no more food. He asked the people for food, but nobody wanted to talk to him. So he went into the centre of town with a big cooking pot. He made a fire, put a stone in the pot, and filled it with water. An old woman walked past and saw the pot.…
The Wolf and the Fox
Once, there were a wolf and a fox. The fox worked for the wolf, and he hated him. The wolf was very bad, and made the fox do everything for him. The wolf was ugly and greedy, but he was stronger than the fox, so the fox had to do what he said.
Luck and Reason
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Carver, Chop off, Commoner, Execute, Gardener, Get down on your knees, Reason, Royal, Sword, TailorWord Count: 1120Original Author: Katherine from the Czech RepublicOnce upon a time, Luck met with Reason. ‘Get down on your knees!’ said Luck. ‘Why?’ ‘Because you must respect me!’ Reason was still young, and didn’t understand what Luck was saying. ‘Why should I get on my knees? You aren’t any better than me.’
The Mice Discuss Chapter 2
‘Crackle?’ Gentle was following his sister through one of the corridors of the house. She was walking very quickly, and he had to run to catch up. This was difficult, as he was carrying the bell, and it bumped on the floor as he ran, making a loud noise.
The Mice Discuss Chapter 1
One day, Gentle the mouse received a letter from his brother, Nosy. Gentle’s family was very big, but he was the only one who lived in the Great Forest. The rest of his family had moved to live underneath a big house. They told him he was stupid to stay in the forest, because in the house there was always lots of delicious food. But Gentle loved living in the forest, and didn’t want to…
The Lion in Love Chapter 3
‘Crush, don’t do it! You’ll regret it!’ Gentle cried. ‘What are you talking about?’ said Crush. ‘You’re always telling me I need to stop eating other animals. Don’t you want this?’
The Lion in Love Chapter 2
The news of Crush’s proposal spread quickly. The mice argued, the foxes made jokes, and the birds flew from one tree to another, telling each other of the news. By sunset the same day, there was not a creature in the Great Forest who had not heard about Crush and Charcoal.
The Lion in Love Chapter 1
One day, Gentle the mouse went over to visit Crush the lion. Neither he, nor Bright Eyes the hawk, nor Grunt the pig had seen him for several days, and Gentle was starting to worry. ‘Hello?’ Gentle stood at the edge of the cave where Crush lived. It was very dark inside, and he was too scared to enter.
The Mouse, the Frog and the Hawk
One day, Gentle the mouse was eating a mushroom. He loved nothing more than to eat mushrooms. The mushroom was very big, so as he ate, he climbed inside. ‘Hello, Gentle.’ ‘Oh!’ Gentle climbed out of the mushroom to see who it was. It was Hoppy the frog. Hoppy was quite unpopular in the Great Forest. The other animals always said he was strange, and kept away from him. He had never spoken to Gentle…