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Genre: Philosophical
The Shape of Art
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: Abstract, Art supplies, Bin, Landscape (painting), Law, Portrait, Sculpture, Shape, Wrong (feeling)Word Count: 1397Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyFelicity is a successful lawyer, but she wants a change. She tries painting and loves it. But there’s a problem: everyone hates her paintings. Can she find the true shape of her art?
The Freezer Door
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: Cheek, Cliff, Freeze, Freezer, Gooseberry, Kid, Nightmare, Parallel universe, Pick at, Sober, Weigh something upWord Count: 1517Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyA woman has a loving husband and children, and she’s great at her job. So why is she sad? One day, she opens the freezer door and sees the way into another world. If she goes, she will lose her husband and children. But could she be happy there?
Doing Evil Part 2
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: ‘Even if I die trying’, A-level, Brush yourself off, Detention, Do-gooder, Frame someone for something, Indoctrination, Oxbridge, PE, Practically vibrating, Put your head down, Ripple, Theology, Wet the bedWord Count: 4021Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyTobias arrives at St Gummarus’ School for Nasty Children. At first, he thinks his parents might have made a mistake, because all the kids here are badly behaved and nasty. But he soon realises that deep down, they are good, and they’re threatening his mission to do evil. So Tobias decides to use goodness as a weapon…
Doing Evil Part 1
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: A cross to bear, Atheist, Boarding school, Bullying, Chapel, Evil, Host (Christianity), Hypocrisy, Lord, Mass, Rota, Satan, Seven deadly sins, Spit, Tabernacle, Test the watersWord Count: 3625Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyWhen Tobias’s parents ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, he says, ‘Evil.’ There’s just one problem: his parents are devoted Christians! As Tobias does more and more bad things, his parents try to find ways to make him good, until finally there is only one option left…
The Golden Fish
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Calm (weather), Education, Fisherman, Grant a wish, Hut, Let go of, Nag, Politics, Revolution, StormyWord Count: 1086Original Author: Fairy TalesA fisherman finds a golden fish. The golden fish says it can grant his wishes. But the fisherman doesn’t wish for anything. However, when his wife gets home she says she wants a new house. So the next day the fisherman catches the golden fish again and wishes for a new house. That starts a series of events that ends in disaster…
The Holy Cat
A cat hunts all the mice in the town, so it goes to the fields. But the mice in the fields are too fast. So the cat decides to start praying…
The King’s New Clothes (Beginner)
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Council, Knight (verb), Lie, Naked, Outfit, Parade, Pretend, Stupid, Wardrobe, WeaverWord Count: 1439Original Author: Hans Christian AndersenThere is a king who loves only his clothes. One day, two brothers come to town and say that they can make magic clothes for the king. If you are stupid or bad at your job, you can’t see the clothes. But what happens when the king can’t see them?
The Voice of Reason
In a small town, the people look after each other. When someone is hungry, the others give them food. But one day, the Voice of Reason comes to town and changes everything.
Four Windows
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: Aerosol can, Distort, Moral (story), Mundane, Pristine, Quirk, Rut, Scrub, Sleep in, WarfareWord Count: 1609Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyTwo people live in buildings next to each other: a clean man and a messy woman. Each day, they look through the window into the other’s flat and imagine what their life is like. But in the end, only one person knows the truth…
The Labyrinth
A woman keeps ending up in bad relationships. A businessman works so hard he has heart problems. A young man killed his friend by drunk driving and now he can’t stop drinking. All three of them are lost. All three of them go to drive. They go to the place where all roads lead: the labyrinth.