Easy Stories in English

The podcast that will take your English from OK to Good and from Good to Great!

Genre: Philosophical

  • The Lion and the Pig

    New Vocabulary: , , ,
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    Original Author:

    In the Great Forest, Crush the lion and Gentle the mouse were arguing. ‘Crush, you don’t understand!’ said Gentle. ‘Just because you’re stronger than someone, it doesn’t mean they have to admire you.’ ‘But I am king of the forest! I am stronger than all other creatures! If an animal wants to speak to me, he should bow his head and call me “Sir Crush”. Otherwise, I shall eat him for being rude.’

  • The Monk’s Nose

    New Vocabulary: , , ,
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    Once upon a time, in old Japan, there was a Buddhist monk named Zenchi. Zenchi was well-known at the temple where he lived because of his nose. It was about five or six inches long, and it hung down his face, from his upper lip to the bottom of his chin. It was fat at the top and fat at the bottom, and looked like a long sausage, which hung off his face and swung…

  • The Hair Thief

    New Vocabulary: , , ,
    Word Count:
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    It was a cold, wet evening in Kyoto. The servant of a samurai stood under Rashoumon, a big gate. It was raining a lot, and he was waiting for the rain to stop.

  • The Spider’s Thread

    New Vocabulary: , ,
    Word Count:
    Original Author:

    One time, Kandata was walking through a thick forest. He was going to steal from a man who lived in the forest. As he was walking, he saw a spider beside him. Kandata raised his foot, and was about to stand on the spider and kill it, but then he stopped. ‘No, no. Even something this small has a reason to live. It would be truly evil to take its life away.’