Tag: scary
The Heart That Told the Truth
Listen, and I will tell you what happened. Then you can judge how healthy my mind is. You see, my body is strong. My hearing has become much stronger. I can hear sounds far and near. I am not weak, like a crazy man.
One Night in a Vampire’s House
‘I guess it could’ve been a coven of v-vampires. But do you think this place is really…?’ ‘Poorly looked after? It appears to be. Suppose we go to the kitchen and try to find some food?’ He began hopping towards the door, but then there was a strong gust of wind and it slammed loudly, putting out two lights with it. Pelha screamed. ‘Oh well, I suppose a vampire’s kitchen would be empty.’
The Deepest Love
The easiest victims were the businessmen and marketers. They had built up a wealthy, comfortable life with numbers and deals, and no longer needed to keep the old superstitions and gods alive, those backwater things. So when the monstrous gentleman and his assistant visited their huge buildings and smoky caves, they hardly noticed that something was sucking the most intimate and important aspect of their beings from them.