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Vocabulary: Abstract
The Shape of Art
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: Abstract, Art supplies, Bin, Landscape (painting), Law, Portrait, Sculpture, Shape, Wrong (feeling)Word Count: 1397Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyFelicity is a successful lawyer, but she wants a change. She tries painting and loves it. But there’s a problem: everyone hates her paintings. Can she find the true shape of her art?
How to Learn a Language
Genre: OtherSetting: OtherNew Vocabulary: Abstract, Affective filter, Bibliography, Cognate, Comprehensible input, Conscious, Controversial, Criticise, Data, Figure out, Hypothesis, Innate, Make a deal, Memorise, Monitor, Negative emotions, Output, Panic, Researcher, Second language acquisition, Spark an interest, State (say), Subconscious, TheoryWord Count: 5130Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyIn this episode, I explain the theory behind second language acquisition, or the way that we learn languages and how best to study languages. I introduce Stephen Krashen’s Theory of Comprehensible Input and discuss the five hypotheses that make it up, and then explain how I used this theory when creating Easy Stories in English.