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Vocabulary: Adviser
Whose Child Is It?
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: MedievalNew Vocabulary: Adviser, Breastfeed, Complain, Give birth, Lie, Midwife, Miserable, Real (true), Smother, Split in two, WhoseWord Count: 857Original Author: Fairy TalesTwo women come to the king with a baby. Both say that the baby is theirs. Who is the real mother? The king must decide.
The King’s New Clothes
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Adviser, Knight (verb), Loom, Moth, Outfit, Rule, Thread, Train (clothes), Trickster, Unfit for office, WeaveWord Count: 1772Original Author: Hans Christian Andersen‘My dear king,’ said the first brother. ‘We have travelled through the whole country, and we have heard all sorts of stories about your fantastic outfits.’ ‘You have?’ said the King, satisfied that his efforts were being seen. ‘How wonderful.’ ‘We have a proposal,’ said the second brother. ‘We wish to weave you a beautiful outfit, so that your fame might spread not only to our kingdom, but to the whole world.’