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Tag: Cautionary Tale
The Golden Fish
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Calm (weather), Education, Fisherman, Grant a wish, Hut, Let go of, Nag, Politics, Revolution, StormyWord Count: 1086Original Author: Fairy TalesA fisherman finds a golden fish. The golden fish says it can grant his wishes. But the fisherman doesn’t wish for anything. However, when his wife gets home she says she wants a new house. So the next day the fisherman catches the golden fish again and wishes for a new house. That starts a series of events that ends in disaster…
Head in the Clouds
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Buffalo, Daydream, Equestrian school, Famine, Head in the clouds, Herd, Illustrate a point, Light at the end of the tunnel, Puddle, Thrust, Topple overWord Count: 737Original Author: Fairy TalesOne day, Dai received a gift from his sister: it was a pot of lamp oil. Over the next few weeks, as Dai used the pot, he noticed it had a strange quality. No matter how much oil he used, the pot was always full the next day. That night, Dai lay down in bed, but he was so excited he could not sleep. He stared up at the pot on his shelf and daydreamed.
[100th episode celebration!] The Wind in Her Hand
Once upon a time, there was a land where the sun never set. Every hour of every day, it shone bright and hot. The people of this land lived in huge cities, where everyone who walked down the street held a parasol. All the parasols pressed together and formed a wall that blocked out the sun, and yet, the people still felt its heat. At night, they covered their windows with thick curtains, and yet,…
You Can’t Please Everyone
‘Why do you have a donkey, but you don’t ride it? Donkeys should be ridden.’ So the man said to his son, ‘Get on the donkey and ride it.’ They kept on going. A few hours later, a group of old women walked past. ‘Look at that lazy young boy,’ said one of the women. ‘Shame on him! He makes his father walk while he rides. His father should ride on the horse.’
The Mouse, the Bird and the Sausage
Once there was a mouse, a bird and a sausage. They were friends. They lived together in a house. Each one had a job. The mouse’s job was to collect water from the river, make the fire and lay the table. The bird’s job was to go to the forest and collect wood for the fire. The sausage’s job was to cook. Every day, each did their job, and they ate dinner together. They were…