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Vocabulary: Dodge
Think Fast!
Eugene is a big nerd, and he’s afraid of everything. But one day, a man attacks him in the street, and Eugene discovers that he isn’t so weak after all.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Parts 3 & 4
Genre: Myths & LegendsSetting: MedievalNew Vocabulary: Banter, Bargain, Bind, Coarse, Decrepit, Dodge, Fellow (person), Flatter, Flinch, Handsome (a lot), Immortal, Long for, Make a mockery, Nick, Noble, Owe it to yourself, Prey, Sham, Sin, Solely, Tact, Tick (clock), Triumph, Vow, Waver, Wild boar, WreckWord Count: 4006Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyEvery day, the lord of the castle goes hunting and Gawain stays in bed, bantering with the beautiful lady. Each night, Gawain and the lord exchange their ‘gains’ for the day. But Gawain cannot stop worrying about meeting the Green Knight, and when the lady offers him help, he can’t resist…
The Shadow Club #6: Just a Stick
Genre: ActionSetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: Beat someone up, Distract, Dodge, Hip, Intimidate, More or less, Say hopefully, Stab, Swing, TailWord Count: 2321Original Author: Ariel Goodbody‘Y-yeah, I… Oh no!’ He turned around suddenly, and started shaking with fear. I looked where he was looking, and there it was. The shadow was long, tall and thin, like a snake standing on its tail.