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Vocabulary: Witch
Three Balls of Wool
Genre: Children’sSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Dot, Fig, Gaze, Her curiosity got the better of her, Itch, Reflection, Rotten, Scar, Scratch, Wart, WitchWord Count: 3099Original Author: A. M. JaliliOne day, Leila finds a strange butterfly with three dots and fine lines on its wings. When she tries to touch the butterfly, it turns into a witch and drags her to her castle! For seven years Leila works for the witch, trying to find a way to escape. Then, one day, the witch says she is going travelling…
Three Kisses
Leah’s mother dies, and her brother leaves home, and Leah is so sad that she cannot speak. Her father plants a rose garden on her balcony, and every day she gives a white rose to a seagull and kisses it three times, sending it to her brother. But dark magic is also travelling across the sea, and soon Leah will find that every rose is not so sweet…
The Turnip Princess
A young man called Arran hates eating his vegetables. One day, his mother locks him out. Arran finds a house with a strange old woman inside, and a dog that talks. Will he find his way home, and will he discover the secret of the house?
Jack and the Beanstalk
In the morning, he noticed there was less light in his room than usual, and when he went to the window, he saw why. Overnight, a beanstalk had grown, and it was huge! It rose above him like a tower, thick as an oak, and reached far away into the sky where he couldn’t see. Jack and his parents were thrilled about the magic beanstalk.
Butcher Boy George
Genre: ActionSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Belly, Crooked, Demon, Duel, Glow, Pinky finger, Pop up, Sign of the cross, Witch, With your bare handsWord Count: 1691Original Author: Fairy TalesAs he walked through the shadows of the trees, he saw an orange glow in the distance, shining like a star. It was a fire, and at once he headed towards it, as his feet were cold and his belly was empty. ‘But wait!’ thought Butcher Boy George. ‘What if that fire was built by evil thieves, who wish to beat me and rob me in the night? I cannot fall for such a trap!’…
Beelzebuddy, the Cleaning Demon Chapter 1
Genre: ComedySetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: Outside of my remit, Overgrown, Set something on fire, Shrug, Stray animal, Summon a demon, The offer still stands, Trampoline, WitchWord Count: 2157Original Author: Ariel Goodbody‘Why, hello there! I’m Beelzebuddy, or “Buddy” for short! And I am very short… At your service. No spill, no stain, no mess is too much for me to clean! Just give me a cloth and a bucket and I’ll get right to work!’ ‘What are you talking about?’ said Rhiana. ‘I don’t need you to clean. I need you to get rid of some nasty people—and a dog—from my life.’
The Raven’s Heart
Genre: RomanceSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Beak, Bolt of lightning, Caw, Cloak, Domestic violence, Hold hostage, Huntress, Put a plan into practice, Raven, Splatter, True to someone’s word, Vomit, WitchWord Count: 5398Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyBut there was one thing that Zelda could never do. Morg had felt her confusion, as they had shared the kiss. The magic could change Morg’s appearance, but it could not change the way her body felt. Zelda had felt her heavy arms, her sharp bones and rough skin, and she had moved away in surprise.