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Category: L1 – Beginner
The Shape of Art
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: Abstract, Art supplies, Bin, Landscape (painting), Law, Portrait, Sculpture, Shape, Wrong (feeling)Word Count: 1397Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyFelicity is a successful lawyer, but she wants a change. She tries painting and loves it. But there’s a problem: everyone hates her paintings. Can she find the true shape of her art?
Think Fast!
Eugene is a big nerd, and he’s afraid of everything. But one day, a man attacks him in the street, and Eugene discovers that he isn’t so weak after all.
The Curse of the Pig
Genre: Children’sSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Bone, Catch wind, Curse, Dragon, Forbid, Iron, Ladder, Mud, Pass by in a blur, Pork, String, Tell the future, Tie around, Transform, Wear outWord Count: 4280Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyA princess finds a book that tells her future. When she grows up, she will have to marry a pig. The girl doesn’t want to believe it, but one day a pig comes knocking on her door. But things are not as they seem. This is a curse, and there has to be a way to break it…
The Freezer Door
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: Cheek, Cliff, Freeze, Freezer, Gooseberry, Kid, Nightmare, Parallel universe, Pick at, Sober, Weigh something upWord Count: 1517Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyA woman has a loving husband and children, and she’s great at her job. So why is she sad? One day, she opens the freezer door and sees the way into another world. If she goes, she will lose her husband and children. But could she be happy there?
The Pumpkin Jug
Genre: RomanceSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: A good match, Bow (verb), Come into season, Fit, Hole, Impossible, Jug, Landslide victory, Pick (flowers), Poppy, Pumpkin, Rule (noun), ThirstyWord Count: 1348Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyA king meets a woman who grows pumpkins. She gives him water in a dirty old jug, and then she breaks it. The king thinks this is strange, but he likes the woman. So he gives her a challenge: if she can put a big pumpkin in a small jug, he will marry her. But she cannot break the jug or the pumpkin. Can she do it?
Misty the Snake (Rerun)
Genre: ComedySetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: Bubble wrap, Ex, Lick, Marmite, Owner, Parcel, Prison bars, Put a bounty on someone’s head, Queue, Sneak, Tongue, YeastWord Count: 1457Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyMisty the Snake loves eating other people’s pets. This does not make the people of the United Kingdom happy. So her owner takes her to Brazil, but really she wants to go home to Ghana…
The Golden Fish
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Calm (weather), Education, Fisherman, Grant a wish, Hut, Let go of, Nag, Politics, Revolution, StormyWord Count: 1086Original Author: Fairy TalesA fisherman finds a golden fish. The golden fish says it can grant his wishes. But the fisherman doesn’t wish for anything. However, when his wife gets home she says she wants a new house. So the next day the fisherman catches the golden fish again and wishes for a new house. That starts a series of events that ends in disaster…
The Kind-Hearted Pea
Genre: Children’sSetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: Afford, Blow, Crack, Harvest, Kind-hearted, Pea, Pod, Shaped like, Shoo, Water (verb)Word Count: 1081Original Author: Saviour PirottaThe wind carries a pea to a crack by a window. Inside the house, a boy is sick and dying. The pea wants to help the boy, and slowly it grows into a plant. When the boy sees the plant he is so happy, and he helps the plant grow.
The Emu and the Kangaroo
Dinewan gets married to Bohra the kangaroo, and they go for a walk in the desert. But Dinewan soon gets bored. Bohra is a magic kangaroo, and his spirit can walk through the sky. Dinewan thinks it would be interesting to see Bohra’s spirit…
The Holy Cat
A cat hunts all the mice in the town, so it goes to the fields. But the mice in the fields are too fast. So the cat decides to start praying…