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Vocabulary: Chapel
Doing Evil Part 1
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: A cross to bear, Atheist, Boarding school, Bullying, Chapel, Evil, Host (Christianity), Hypocrisy, Lord, Mass, Rota, Satan, Seven deadly sins, Spit, Tabernacle, Test the watersWord Count: 3625Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyWhen Tobias’s parents ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, he says, ‘Evil.’ There’s just one problem: his parents are devoted Christians! As Tobias does more and more bad things, his parents try to find ways to make him good, until finally there is only one option left…
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Parts 1 & 2
Genre: Myths & LegendsSetting: MedievalNew Vocabulary: Alliteration, Axe, Be on your guard, Bless, Blow (hit), Chapel, Chastity, Chatter, Chivalry, Court (royalty), Feast, Fruits of …, Hag, Holy, Hop, Knight, Lady, Lord (Middle Ages), Mass (religion), Offspring, Potion, Rhyme, Shield, Siege, Sire (verb), Spoils, Step in the ring, Suit of armour, Trencher, WickedWord Count: 2910Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyKing Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table lIve peacefully at Camelot. But on New Year’s eve, a terrible knight rides into the castle, made entirely of green. He gives them a challenge: a man must come and attack him with his axe, and if the Green Knight survives, he will attack the man in a year and a day. Arthur’s nephew, Gawain, accepts the challenge, but things are not as they seem…
The Shadow Club #4: Hunting for Shadows
Genre: ActionSetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: Bench, Bend back, Chapel, Cross your arms, Daft, Hairs stand on end, Knock over, Loser, Patrol, Split upWord Count: 1851Original Author: Ariel Goodbody‘Hey, what are you three losers up to?’ I turned around. Bethany was standing right next to us. She was the only girl in our team, and none of the other boys liked her very much. Sure, when we were on the field, we were a team, but it was strange when you were hanging out with other boys, and then suddenly there was a girl there. And she wasn’t like the other girls in…