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Setting: Fairytale
The King’s New Clothes
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Adviser, Knight (verb), Loom, Moth, Outfit, Rule, Thread, Train (clothes), Trickster, Unfit for office, WeaveWord Count: 1772Original Author: Hans Christian Andersen‘My dear king,’ said the first brother. ‘We have travelled through the whole country, and we have heard all sorts of stories about your fantastic outfits.’ ‘You have?’ said the King, satisfied that his efforts were being seen. ‘How wonderful.’ ‘We have a proposal,’ said the second brother. ‘We wish to weave you a beautiful outfit, so that your fame might spread not only to our kingdom, but to the whole world.’
Jack and the Beanstalk
In the morning, he noticed there was less light in his room than usual, and when he went to the window, he saw why. Overnight, a beanstalk had grown, and it was huge! It rose above him like a tower, thick as an oak, and reached far away into the sky where he couldn’t see. Jack and his parents were thrilled about the magic beanstalk.
The Little Frog with the Big Mouth (Pre-Intermediate)
Genre: Children’sSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Creepy, Cut in half, Feather, Hay, Hop, Lick your lips, Nap, Watermelon, Worm, X o’clock sharpWord Count: 1269Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyOne day, the Little Frog with the Big Mouth woke up and thought, ‘I don’t feel like eating flies today. I have eaten flies every day of my life. How about a change?’ But the Little Frog with the Big Mouth had never eaten anything else before. He didn’t know what other food there was. So he hopped through the forest to find other food.
Butcher Boy George
Genre: ActionSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Belly, Crooked, Demon, Duel, Glow, Pinky finger, Pop up, Sign of the cross, Witch, With your bare handsWord Count: 1691Original Author: Fairy TalesAs he walked through the shadows of the trees, he saw an orange glow in the distance, shining like a star. It was a fire, and at once he headed towards it, as his feet were cold and his belly was empty. ‘But wait!’ thought Butcher Boy George. ‘What if that fire was built by evil thieves, who wish to beat me and rob me in the night? I cannot fall for such a trap!’…
Love Like Salt
Genre: PhilosophicalSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Bland, Cloak, Frown, Get into trouble, Lord, Maid, Make up, Marsh, Once (after), PretendWord Count: 1490Original Author: Fairy TalesSatisfied, he asked the third daughter, ‘How much do you love me, my dear?’ The third daughter was more creative than the other two. She often got into trouble by saying clever things. So she said, ‘I love you like fresh meat loves salt.’ Her father frowned. ‘You don’t love me at all!’ he cried. ‘Get out of my house.’ And so he threw her out of the house. The girl cried and cried, but…
The Most Wanted Woman in Town
‘The Most Wanted Woman in Town has decided to have a competition,’ he announced. The people all went quiet. ‘Lady Rae knows that you all want many things from her. But she will not give her prizes to any man or woman. You must win the key to her heart. And the key is here.’
The Princess Who Carried a House
Genre: Myths & LegendsSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Astrologer, Bow (ship), Dye, Instinct, Limb, Monk, Potion, Rule over, Superstition, WoundWord Count: 2633Original Author: Pannason RittaOne day, the King and Queen had a beautiful daughter. Her birth was easy, but still, the room filled with shocked cries when she came out. Why? She had no scars, extra limbs or unusual marks, but in her tiny hand she held a wooden house, in the traditional Thai style.
The Singing Widow
Life cannot continue in such a way, floating on a sea of misery. So one day, the widow cried her final tear, closed her eyes, and never woke up again. That is, she never woke up in the human world. Of course, she went to the land of the dead, and she was filled with happiness. Now she could meet her husband again! She ran through the streets of the land of the dead, climbed…
A Rather Large Cat
Genre: ComedySetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Awaken someone’s hunger, Fishing hook, Kitten/kitty, More than ever, Norway, Polar bear, Stomach rumbles, Tail, Travel companion, TrollWord Count: 852Original Author: Fairy Tales‘Kitty, pretty kitty!’ cried one of the trolls. ‘Does kitty want a sausage?’ The “kitty” did not want a sausage. The kitty wanted to get a good night’s sleep, after so much travelling, and had no plans of eating anyone. But when he turned over and saw the troll holding a fork with a sausage on it, his stomach started to rumble. So the polar bear jumped out and bit the sausage, but he also…
Taken by the Fairies
Genre: RomanceSetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Bald patch, Chest, Fairy, Hair clippers, Keep a promise, Make sense, Ponytail, Sadness/sadly, Sweat, Sword, Whatever happens, Whisper, WoundWord Count: 1978Original Author: Fairy Tales’Will you marry me?’ The beautiful man laughed. ‘You don’t even know my name.’ ‘What is your name?’ ‘Jasper.’ Harold sighed. ‘A wonderful name. So, Jasper, will you marry me?’