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Genre: Comedy
Aldar Kose’s Magic Coat
Genre: ComedySetting: KazakhstanNew Vocabulary: Blow, Fan yourself, Fox, Fur coat, Hole, Icebreaker, Scoundrel, Shiver, Spur, Swift, Trick, YurtWord Count: 773Original Author: Rose SharipovaOne day, Aldar was riding through a field. He was wearing his cheap coat full of holes, and he was very cold. His hands and feet hurt, and his nose was blue. He shivered and shivered. He wanted to find a yurt. In the yurt it would be warm and comfortable. But the wind was blowing loud and strong, and he only saw grass and ice. He saw no yurts and no fires. And the…
Beelzebuddy, the Cleaning Demon Chapter 2
Genre: ComedySetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: Door frame, Ex-lover, Hateful/joyful, High hopes, Lovebirds, Move on with your life, Pop over, WrinkleWord Count: 2286Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyThere was a knock at the door, and Rhiana slowly climbed down the stairs. She didn’t have high hopes for Beelzebuddy’s success, but she certainly wasn’t expecting to open the door and find her ex-lover standing there. Panic seized her stomach. She felt like she was going to be sick. ‘Go away!’ she spat, slamming the door shut before Evelyn could say a word.
Beelzebuddy, the Cleaning Demon Chapter 1
Genre: ComedySetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: Outside of my remit, Overgrown, Set something on fire, Shrug, Stray animal, Summon a demon, The offer still stands, Trampoline, WitchWord Count: 2157Original Author: Ariel Goodbody‘Why, hello there! I’m Beelzebuddy, or “Buddy” for short! And I am very short… At your service. No spill, no stain, no mess is too much for me to clean! Just give me a cloth and a bucket and I’ll get right to work!’ ‘What are you talking about?’ said Rhiana. ‘I don’t need you to clean. I need you to get rid of some nasty people—and a dog—from my life.’
A Rather Large Cat
Genre: ComedySetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Awaken someone’s hunger, Fishing hook, Kitten/kitty, More than ever, Norway, Polar bear, Stomach rumbles, Tail, Travel companion, TrollWord Count: 852Original Author: Fairy Tales‘Kitty, pretty kitty!’ cried one of the trolls. ‘Does kitty want a sausage?’ The “kitty” did not want a sausage. The kitty wanted to get a good night’s sleep, after so much travelling, and had no plans of eating anyone. But when he turned over and saw the troll holding a fork with a sausage on it, his stomach started to rumble. So the polar bear jumped out and bit the sausage, but he also…
Nasreddin the Wise Man
Genre: ComedySetting: MedievalNew Vocabulary: Basketful, Equally, In that case, No reason, Precious, Stroke, Sunlight, Train (animal), Truly, Vineyard, WiseWord Count: 941Original Author: Middle Eastern MythsSo today’s story is actually a collection of six short folk tales and they’re all about a funny character called Nasreddin. So, Nasreddin is a character who appears in folk tales in many parts of the world. He mainly appears in stories in the Middle East and Europe, mainly Eastern Europe, and he’s known by many different names.
Stalking is For Girls, Too
Genre: ComedySetting: ModernNew Vocabulary: Fate, Get down on one knee, Hold your breath, Impatient, Lean, Make something up, Might as well, Sneak, Stalk, Trapped, Twist, Vent (complain)Word Count: 730Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyCLANG! The gate to the car park closed behind Bella. She was trapped. Uh-oh. She had gone past the apartment building on her day off work. She had had one date with the man, but she was impatient. She just wanted to look at him through the window, because she couldn’t stop thinking about him. But his curtains had been closed, so she decided to sneak into the car park so she could do… something?…
To Be a Hero Chapter 3
Genre: ComedySetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Claw, Curl up, Fit of rage, Grin, Overthrow, Pathetic, Quest, Reappropriate, Redistribute, Sneer, SniffWord Count: 2274Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyWhen we last saw our heroes, and I do use that term lightly, they were hiding in the bushes, waiting outside the lair of the dragon, the ground covered in smelly snake guts designed to wake the monster’s rage. They spent many long, tedious, hours waiting. Norm looked around and found some mushrooms, which Elric encouraged him to try, but Kvok was convinced they were deadly poisonous, and this lead into an endless debate which…
To Be a Hero Chapter 2
Genre: ComedySetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: “Bob’s your uncle”, “Speak of the devil”, Armour, Awe, Cliché, Crush, Foal, Guts, Hoof, Instinct, LairWord Count: 2008Original Author: Ariel GoodbodyWhen we last saw our hero-in-training, Norm, and his ghostly teacher, Elric, they were walking at a sensible pace through the forest to recover the King’s lost pegasus. After several hours of walking, filled with Elric insisting they (quietly) play a variety of childish word games, they arrived at the cave where the creature was hiding.
To Be a Hero Chapter 1
Once there was a boy called Norm who lived with his stepmother. Like all stepmothers, she was wicked, and she spent all day shouting at Norm. ‘It’s freezing in here! Where’s the firewood? Oh, if only Sabrina were here!’ Sabrina was her own daughter, who had died the day Norm was born, the same day that Norm’s father abandoned them in the dirty little hut where they lived. So Norm grew up under the thumb…
Puss in Boots
Genre: ComedySetting: FairytaleNew Vocabulary: Count (person), Feather, Guard (person), Land (owning), Make a decision, Puss, Sorcerer, Trust, Turn into, WheatWord Count: 1856Original Author: Fairy TalesOnce there was a young man called Jack. He lived on a farm with his two older brothers and his father. His father made all the decisions on the farm, and as he got older, the farm got smaller. The boys did not like to work, and so many of the animals died or left. Finally, the father died, and he gave his things to his sons. To the oldest son he gave the house,…